(in alphabetical order)

Afghanistan (Islamic Republic of Afghanistan), AF

Saudi Arabia (Saudi Arabia Reign), SA

Bahrein (Regno del Bahrain), BH

Bangladesh (Repubblica Popolare del Bangladesh), BD

Brunei (Stato del Brunei, Dimora della Pace), BN

Corea del Nord (Repubblica Democratica Popolare di Corea), KP

Emirati Arabi Uniti, AE

Hong Kong (regione amministrativa speciale della Repubblica Popolare Cinese)

Iran (Repubblica Islamica dell’Iran), IR

Iraq (Repubblica dell’Iraq), IQ

Kazakistan (Repubblica del Kazakistan), KZ

Kuwait (Stato del Kuwait), KW

Nepal (Repubblica Federale Democratica del Nepal), NP

Oman (Sultanato di Oman), OM

Pakistan (Repubblica Islamica del Pakistan), PK

Qatar (Stato del Qatar), QA
(forbidden unless recipient has an import permit)

Russia (Federazione Russa), RU

Siria (Repubblica Araba di Siria), SY

Stati Uniti (Stati Uniti d’America), US

Tagikistan (Repubblica del Tagikistan), TJ

Turchia (Repubblica Turca), TR

Yemen (Repubblica dello Yemen), YE

(in alphabetical order)

Azerbaigian (Repubblica dell’Azerbaigian), AZ
Privates only, maximum 1,5L each shipment. For larger quantities a specific authorization is required

Bhutan (Regno del Bhutan), BT
For personal use only.

Corea del Sud (Repubblica di Corea), KR
If recipient is private, small quantity shipment is possbile. For n°1 bottle test and/or quarantine are planned.

Georgia, GE
For volumes more than 4L an Excise Department permit is required

Giappone, JP
Ministry of Health approval is required

Giordania (Regno Hascemita di Giordania), JO
Import Approval from Ministry of Health is required

India (Repubblica dell’India), IN
Shipment will be accepted only after recipient has signed up to be in possession of required approval for import. Some States of India are subjected to prohibition of consumption of alcoholic beverages. In case of “free gift” the shipment of maximum 1 one liter bottle is granted.

Indonesia (Repubblica dell’Indonesia), ID
In base all’art 14 del Regolamento del Ministero delle Finanze n°112/2018 sono esenti da dazi/tasse solo 350ml di bevande alcoliche.

Kirghizistan (Repubblica del Kirghizistan), KG
For personal use only, 2L maximum

Malesia, MY
Import approval must come from the Ministry of Health

Myanmar o Birmania (Repubblica dell’Unione del Myanmar)
Maximum weight of 5kg (11 lbs) and value inferior to 50 USD. Otherwise customs sanctions, customs duties, taxes and/or confiscations will be faced.

Taiwan (Repubblica di Cina), TW
For over 5kg orders a Wine and Tobacco License is required

Uzbekistan (Repubblica dell’Uzbekistan), UZ
“Non dangerous chimical products” authorization is required.

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